26 de julho de 2007

UML and stuff

Today I've spend most of my time at work trying to find a good open-source tool for CBD-OO design by means of the good old UML2.0.

I've came across these ones:

ArgoUML: which is kinda of cool. It is Java based, but runs nicely on my laptop. It has reverse engineering and it is intuitive. The major drawbacks are the lack of component and deployment diagrams. It also allows to import/export models in XMI 1.1. However it is not fully interoperable with models from other tools like Poseidon.

StarUML: This has great potential. It has a Rational Rose feel and look, but it is less intuitive than the previous one... Hopefully the next releases will handle that.
It's a tool that I would definitely use for home brew projects.

and Poseidon UML community edition: which is the one we use at the company but nowadays isn't free any more. One must pay a rent annually.
This one is an extension of the ArgoUML and has a new set of functionalities fully compliant with UML 2.0. There is also the Professional and the Embedded Editions, but those cost big bucks!

I think I'm gonna use StarUML for a while, to see how it goes.

2 comentários:

Procópio disse...

PALHAÇO... o best of é o BoUML!
Vê bem a cena! é muito fixe!

ok, não sei se é open source, mas é free de certeza!

coninuação de uma boa chuvita ;-)

mouro disse...

Por acaso não achei muita piada a esse.

já o moura me tinha dito.
em vez disso instalei o Poseidon Professional Edition para Linux ;)
claro que paguei pela licença!